The Power of Small Win: “Customer first”

Feb 27th, 2023
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Businesses always say they put the customer first. It can be said that they frequently state this without giving it much thought. So what does that mean? Someone said that they might have a policy on customer service that says they always try to make people happy, but that’s not really what it means. The true meaning of putting customers first and why it is so important to businesses will be discussed in this article. We will also investigate the effects on their bottom lines that customer first service has had on some examples of successful businesses.

Customer first service improves customer satisfaction

What is the meaning of “customer first“?

Meeting the needs and expectations of their customers first, rather than simply maximizing their own profits or other goals is what it means to put the customer first.

When a business prioritizes its customers, they place them at the center of everything they do. They make it a point to always take into account how each decision will affect their customers because they see each decision as having an effect on them. Companies that are focused on their customers do this by cultivating a climate of trust and goodwill toward their clients.

Customers come first because it’s all about meeting their requirements, desires, and needs. It entails treating them fairly and with respect. Because you want your customers to be satisfied with your products or services, going above and beyond for them is a natural extension of considering their interests.

The only way to survive in today’s market is to create a culture that is focused on the customer. Every company meeting, review, and decision-making process ought to incorporate the customer’s voice.

Social media monitoring as well as more conventional methods like letters and phone calls will assist in ensuring that these requirements are met in the future.

Social media a conventional method for customer first service

It is not surprising that Google (the search engine), Apple (the devices), and Amazon Prime (the subscription service) are at the top of the list of “customer first” businesses because each of these companies places a significant amount of emphasis on obtaining feedback from customers and enhancing their services based on interactions with those customers.

Customer first is not the same as “customer is always right.”

But does that imply that the client always has the right? Is that really the focus of the customer-first approach? Short response: no.

“Customer is always right” is a phrase that suggests that the customer’s needs and wants should always be met, regardless of whether they are reasonable or not. “Customer first” on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of putting the customer’s needs and wants first, but also taking into account the business’s needs and limitations. The difference is that “customer is always right” means you will accept any unreasonable demands from the customer, while “customer first” means you will prioritize the customer’s needs and wants, but also consider the feasibility of the situation.

We have moved away from the “customer is always right” approach to the “customer first” philosophy when it comes to customer service in recent years.

Even if it goes against company policy or does harm to your business in the long run, just because you are a “customer first” team does not mean that you should do whatever the customer wants at any given time. There has to be a point where you stop being reasonable and realize the customer is just trying to take advantage of their position in the situation.

The idea is that businesses should prioritize the needs and wants of their customers over those of their own employees.

The worst thing that could happen to a customer service representative is to constantly be called names by customers and not have a place to go for support from upper management. You will eventually become hostile to the business.

Put your customer first here

How to put your customers first?

5 tips to improve customer first service

1. Listen the customer

Listening to your customers is the best way to begin putting them first. Ask for feedback and actively listen to what customers have to say. This will help you understand their needs and tailor your products or services to meet them. Listen and analyze about what makes them happy and what frustrates them, as well as their likes and dislikes.

You can use this information to tailor your customer service accordingly if you have a good customer intelligence team or system in place.

2. Continuously train your agents

Continuously train your agents to deliver customer-first service. Teach them the importance of always putting the customer first in every interaction. By instilling this customer-centric mindset in your team, you’ll surely see an uptick in customer satisfaction scores.

But just onboarding agents when they start with the job is far from being enough. One way to ensure that your agents provide the best possible service is to train them continuously. You can help your agents stay up-to-date on the latest information and trends by providing regular training. Additionally, training can help to refresh your agents’ skills and keep them sharp.

3. Build proactive customer service teams

Customers should always come first in any business. After all, businesses wouldn’t exist without customers. Building proactive customer service teams is crucial for this reason.

Customer service teams that are proactive are always looking for ways to make the customer experience better. They keep asking themselves how they can improve things for their clients. It could even be as simple as making minor adjustments to their customer interaction or completely rethinking their business practices.

In the end, proactive customer service teams always prioritize their customers’ requirements and contact them before issues arise. And that is something that every company ought to strive for.

4. Show appreciation.

Examine and evaluate feedback from customers on a regular basis to identify areas for improvement. You’ll be able to keep up with customer needs and expectations while also making the customer experience better all around.

Openly and honestly discuss your policies, products, and services with customers. Customers will know exactly what to expect from your business and this will help build trust.

By offering incentives, discounts, or rewards in return for their loyalty, you can demonstrate to your clients that you value their business.

5. Harness the power of technology

A great customer first strategy needs great technology to support it. In order to facilitate a culture of “customer first” you need a competitive tool to rely on. 

Why is it important to put the customer first?

There are a number of reasons why putting the customer first is important:

  • Satisfaction of the customer has risen: Companies can ensure that they are meeting their customers’ expectations and needs by prioritizing those needs and wants above all else. This can increase customer satisfaction.
  • Loyalty from customers: Customers are more likely to return and do business with a company in the future when they have the impression that it truly cares about them and is focused on meeting their requirements. Moreover, gaining loyalty from customers is important for any business because loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer friends and family to your business, and provide positive word-of-mouth marketing
  • Positive publicity: Customers who are satisfied are more likely to share their positive experiences with a business with others, which can assist in attracting new customers.
  • Profitability boost: Companies can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth, all of which can result in increased profitability, if they focus on the customer.
  • Advantage over rivals: In a crowded market, businesses that place a high value on customer service and satisfaction are more likely to stand out and establish a solid reputation that can assist them in retaining and acquiring new customers.
  • Innovation: Companies can identify areas in which they can enhance their products and services by comprehending customer needs. This can assist in driving innovation and maintaining competitiveness.

Overall, putting the customer first is a way to ensure that the company is meeting the needs of its most important stakeholders, which can lead to long-term success and growth. And ezLoyalty can help you retain customer loyalty in your campaign with the earn and burn system which automatically records points for every transaction which can then be used to exchange gifts or promotions by customers. You can easily customize rewards for personalized customer experience. There are also many other special features that can help you keep the hearts of your customers. Don’t hesitate to contact us to nurture the relationships, exceed expectations, and create a better customer experience.

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