How does a super brand do to their customer?

Apr 10th, 2023
497 views 4 MINS READ

In Netflix’s Squid Games, the red light green light game murdered 255 people. The players in the first game had no idea what they were getting themselves into. They didn’t have any choice but to play the first game. However, before the second game began, the competitors had the option to opt out of playing any more games. Some took advantage of the opportunity to leave, while others stayed. Then something unusual happened.

The players who chose not to play discovered that leaving the game had made no difference. They returned to their unhappy lifestyles. Players that chose to keep playing, on the other hand, had an opportunity to get out of their predicament. When the ‘I-want-to-stop’ players were given a second chance, they took it. 93% of the players came back. They were aware that if they did not win a specific game, they would perish. Nonetheless, they were making an informed decision.

They arrive when your audience is needy and you offer them what they are desperate for. They come not for your love, but for the love of what you have to offer. And if you give them enough of it, they might fall in love with you.

Customers appreciate brands that care about them.

Customers appreciate brands that care about them.

Nothing is forbidden when it comes to brand-customer love. But it must be the proper type of love. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing out of the ordinary. They will be driven away by the incorrect kind of love.

Let me provide an example.

78% of millennials are willing to change companies if they have superior loyalty programs. Products alone may not be enough to keep customers loyal. Customer experience has a better probability of attracting customers than merchandise. Amazon sells goods. However, it sells convenience rather than products. The ease of having the merchandise delivered right to your door. Hassle-free. That ease is a reward in and of itself.

Some companies are unsure where to draw the line. Some brands can tell where the line is, but they don’t know how to avoid crossing it. The distinction between what brands can and cannot do is blurring. At the same time, that line is becoming wider. The reason a brand pursues a consumer determines whether a line is thin or broad.

The line is narrow for a company that wants to listen to its customers before attempting to be heard.

Customers appreciate brands that care about them. But do you know what customers appreciate even more? Customers like brands that make an effort to understand their preferences.

Product research costs brands millions of dollars. But they don’t even spend a quarter of that time figuring out what their customers like.

Privacy laws are becoming as stringent as the plot lines of action movies. However, editors have the option to remove the strings during post-production. Similarly, brands can free themselves from the constraints imposed by privacy concerns. Customers are now willing to let brands eliminate those strings. All they ask in return is transparency and improved options. And, of course, something to show for their efforts.

But that’s fair, right?

That is the appeal of zero-party data. You are not required to stalk your consumers. You don’t have to be concerned about being caught with your hand in the cookie jar. There will be no guesswork from reams of behavioral analytics!

My acquaintance buys protein supplements from an e-commerce website. He appears to have received vouchers for baby food and diapers three out of every five times he placed an order. He is a single man with no children. He stated that he had never searched for “baby” items on the app. He stopped using the app to place orders and went to another e-commerce company. He says he prefers the second supplier for his protein supplement needs. Despite the fact that the second company does not provide as large a discount as the first. The second company provides him with scratch cards that include gym clothing discounts. That is a business that understands him better.

Brands owe it to their customers to understand them. Customers feel forced to look elsewhere when they don’t know what they want.

Offering an app with random discounts on unrelated products is insufficient. It is critical to provide the correct products and rewards based on the customer’s lifestyle.

Brands need to connect closely with customers to understand them

Zero-party data does not come cheap. It costs much more, but far less than one might expect.

Brands must pay attention to what customers are closest to in order to become closer to them. That’s as simple as ABC with super-apps.

Super-apps are not a form of fury. They are a significant range intended to engage customers at every level.

Consider what one of our clients is doing. Thailand’s premier mall operator, Siam Piwat, is redefining the retail experience.

In terms of redesigning their retail operation, they were ahead of the curve. Through strategic collaborations, they are currently shifting to new business models.

The super-app will create communities based on the interests of its users. Effective marketing campaigns, promotional activities, and loyalty programs will result.

When it comes to pleasing and exceeding client expectations, super-apps are extremely effective. It’s a method of giving customers what they want in the way they want it so that you can get what you want — better data. And, as you may already be aware, data is the new oil!

Consider Tencent’s WeChat. It began as a compassionate messaging service. It quickly became the “app for everything.” You could communicate, pay, book tickets, and open a store; it empowered the consumer to do, create, and empower. With 1 billion monthly active users in 2018, it was the “world’s largest standalone app” in 2018. (MAU).

Super-apps cannot eliminate customer acquisition costs (CAC), but they can reduce CAC. With the ability to cross-sell and up-sell. You can make out like a bandit in the long term if you can cross-sell and upsell.

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